AgriSCALE is implemented through training for teachers and sustainable business challenges for students. Teachers and managerial staff in the partner HEIs participate in ODL, PBL training courses and workshops to learn more about student-centred teaching, gain new pedagogical skills, and understand e-learning strategies holistically to support online teaching. Staff members also attend workshops to integrate the new methods of PBL, climate-smart agriculture, and entrepreneurship into the curricula.
Collaborative learning ecosystem building: Entrepreneurship linkage to industry and communities. The missing inter-linkage between universities and industry means that there is no living connection to the real-life in the planning or implementation of the curricula and therefore students are not exposed to an authentic learning environment for skills development.
The person-centred teaching model is innovative for the partners: It puts the focus on the learner to develop entrepreneurial talent and skills rather than merely produce ideas; it equips students with the capability to identify opportunities, produce creative solutions, and to learn while solving the industry cases or testing their own business ideas.
4–8/2021 PBL training
PBL training for teachers: After PBL training, teachers can better identify themselves as facilitators of the students’ learning process. In addition, participants have a deep understanding of online learning and are able to design online courses in a way to support student-centred learning.
9–11/2021 ODL training
ODL training for teachers: Through ODL training, teachers develop their competence in planning, preparing, and organising online and distance-based education. The course was organised under AgriSCALE sister project PBL-BioAfrica.
8/2021- Ongoing - Student challenges / Projects
Student centered teaching methodology: Partner HEIs’ entrepreneurship teachers are trained to become PBL experts and feel confident with applying the new learned skills.
9/2023- PBL expert teacher network
Professional teachers’ community of practice: The PBL expert teacher network is set up for the peer-to-peer support and upscaling of the results after the project exits. The network will offer peer-to-peer sharing and support for the teachers.